It can be difficult to find the best orthodontist in Kolkata or nearby close to your house or place of business. The subject of your teeth is delicate (no pun intended), and orthodontic treatment may be a time-consuming and expensive process. Since you are entrusting your orthodontist with the future of your smile, you should establish trust with them as soon as possible.
The Dentique – Advanced Dental Care Clinic: Kolkata’s Best Orthodontist! Orthodontists are dentists with specialized training in the correction of misaligned teeth. The Dentique is a highly Advanced Dental Clinic with state-of-the-art equipment and an experienced team of 15+ specialist MDS and BDS Dentists. It is centrally located in Park Street, Camac Street Area in Kolkata.

It is a specialty area of dentistry that focuses on treating and preventing tooth misalignment as well as deformities of the face. One who has a gap between teeth, crowded teeth, buck teeth, enamel overlap, or misaligned teeth is a candidate for orthodontic treatment. Before treatment begins, a report is first created as a tool for the orthodontist. Dental surgeon in Kolkata

The complete facial structure can be changed through orthodontics in addition to the teeth. One can achieve a beautiful smile and optimal jaw function by having their teeth aligned. Additionally, teeth may be easily cleaned, the likelihood of gum disease is decreased, and orthodontic treatment boosts a person’s confidence.
Asking someone who is presently receiving treatment from The Dentique, is the best way to find the Best orthodontist in Kolkata. This may be a friend, a family member, or even a complete stranger with aligners on their teeth. A patient can comment on how the surgeon is, whether or not the surgeon is on time, and how well the doctor and their team handle the patients. Ask patients if they have ever experienced any issues with the doctor.