Our teeth are naturally white to begin with. Some have naturally white teeth while a lot of people have teeth which are shade of yellow. This could happen due a number of reasons like diet, oral health, gut health, habits like smoking etc. It is also true that our teeth could be yellowish by nature. Now there are ways to address this.
Scaling and Polishing – A dentist could do a simple, painless procedure like Scaling and Polishing to remove the superficial staining and debris to make your teeth one shade lighter. This is extremely important for gum and oral health as well.

Laser Teeth Whitening – To achieve a few more shades of whitening one needs to opt for a Laser Teeth Whitening procedure. This procedure uses advanced, safe and active agents to clean your teeth back to its natural whiteness. The soft tissue dental laser activates the chemical bonding of these agents with the foreign staining materials at a molecular level. This helps remove the staining elements completely. However this needs to be done under the supervision of a Dentist in a modern Dental Clinic.
The Dentique offers Laser Teeth Whitening at affordable rates in Kolkata, using advanced US FDA Approved Bio-Lasers and imported whitening kits for the best results. Book a free, No-obligation, appointment to learn more about Laser Teeth Whitening and how it can help improve your appearance and confidence.